Basingstoke Baptist Church is funded through the generous and sacrificial giving of our congregation. Giving financially is something that the Bible understands to be a regular part of being a follower of Jesus, committed to the life and vision of a local church.
The ways in which you can give financially to the Church are listed below.
If you would like to set up a standing order to support Basingstoke Baptist Church regularly, you can do so directly with your bank. You can either call your local branch or log on to your Internet Banking account and set up the standing order to pay into our bank account using the account details below.
Account Name: Basingstoke Baptist Church
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00031111
Taxpayers, please consider boosting your gifts with Gift Aid. See details below or email for further details.
Use this option for an easy way to give by Credit/Debit Card. Select the one-off option to make a one-time donation, or choose the frequency option to set up a recurring donation similar to a standing order.
Get started now by scanning the QR code below or by clicking here
Giving online incurs a small administration charge for the church, as does contactless at the church
At Basingstoke Baptist Church, giving is convenient and contactless! We don’t pass offering bags, but we offer a secure giving facility at the back of the sanctuary.
Donate with cash or use your preferred contactless payment method – we support all major cards and mobile wallets.
Giving online incurs a small administration charge for the church, as does contactless at the church
Gift Aid
Boost your gift by 25% at no extra cost to you! Gift Aid allows us to reclaim tax on your donations, making your generosity go even further.
Here’s how easy it is:
- ChurchSuite users: Simply log in and set up a Gift Aid declaration with your preferred dates.
- Everyone else: Download our Gift Aid Declaration, complete it, and then either email it to, or hand it in at church.
Important to know:
- You must be a UK taxpayer.
- Gift Aid covers the tax year (April 6th – April 5th). If your tax payments are less than the reclaimed Gift Aid amount, you’ll be responsible for the difference.
By using Gift Aid, you’ll directly increase the impact your donation has on our church’s mission!